Metal Apron
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Hi, and welcome to my recipe page! 👋🏼

I created this because I got tired of all those long stories people add to recipes online. I just want to share recipes with my friends and on Instagram without all the extra stuff. And hey, it's also like my personal recipe book that I can keep updating whenever I want. With that said, always trust your nose and your mouth to judge if the food you're making is good for you!

Additionally, I hope you noticed that you didn't get bombarded with a million ads, cookie consents, video banners, etc. I oppose that, and I won't be using anything like that. You're welcome.

I'd be grateful if you would support me by buying me a coffee on Ko-fi. Summa summarum, Ko-fi is a crowdfunding platform. Clicking the link will take you to my Ko-fi page.

Thank you for visiting, and happy cooking!